Upcoming events! Poetry at Somerset House, stories at Quiltbag Cabaret

Hello readers!

If you’re wondering where I’ve been – things have been a bit intense lately, and other writing took priority over blogging. I’ll be back soon. In the meantime, here are two events where you can find my work!

Tomorrow, at Somerset House, my poetry will be part of an installation at the Museum of Water’s Midsummer Water Day event. The installation is called the Old Water Hoard, and consists of recordings of Old English poetry, texts, and isolated words and phrases on the theme of water and weather. I was invited to contribute to the Old Water Hoard after impressing an organiser with my Old English and modern English audio piece, The Book Remembers, at the Verse Kraken #2 launch a while ago. I rose to the challenge and put together a new piece called Water Became Bone – a meditation on language, culture and self, layering Anglo-Saxon poetry with modern English translations, original poetry, and an extract from a paper. The Old Water Hoard will be at various “listening stations” throughout the Museum – a sort of literary treasure hunt. 

In the further off future, I’ll be headlining the next Quiltbag Cabaret in Oxford on Friday 11th July. This time, rather than poetry, I’ll be storytelling – so if you’re a fan of feminist fairytales, socialist parables, or you just really like mermaids and monsters, this might be for you.

That’s all for now – but stay tuned for more blogging again soon…