Exciting news – the Rhysling Awards!

Yesterday afternoon I was told over Twitter by Rose Lemberg – editor of Stone Telling and Moment of Change – that my poem ‘Hair’, which was first published in Stone Telling‘s seventh issue, has been nominated for a Rhysling Award.

This was a lovely surprise, especially on a day where I was feeling rather low. I am now positively gleeful.

According the site, the Rhysling Awards have been running since 1978. All nominated poems are reprinted in an anthology – so I expect I’ll be contacted about this at some point – which showcases all the poems before the final vote. The winning poems are then reprinted in The Nebula Awards Anthology for that year. The list of nominees is here, and it looks like nominations are still open, so I’m excited to see who else gets nominated – there are already quite a few names I recognise on there!

This has definitely strengthened my resolution to submit more of my poetry for publication this year: just a few days ago I was making a note of upcoming deadlines, and this exciting recognition of one of my few published works has reminded me how amazing it feels to know that something I’ve written is making a connection with strangers across the world. I’ll be spending this evening looking up more magazines and anthologies, then…

2012: the (rest of the) year in review

It’s been quite a while since I used my ‘official’ writerly blog – but what with the new year and all, now seems like a good time to catch the world up on what I’ve been doing.

At the point of my last update, I was overcome with joy about my two magazine publications in Stone Telling and False Moustache. My poetry is now also in three books! All of which are actual, physical books that you can buy and hold and flip through and put bookmarks in and take with you on the train. I’m very excited. Pictures forthcoming – because yes, I am just that proud. ‘She Was’ was published in the anthology The Moment of Change (Aqueduct Press, May), ‘Hair’ in Here, We Cross (Stone Bird Press) and ‘Old Rhymes: A Hypothetical Interview’ was written specifically for and published in Catechism: Poems for Pussy Riot (English PEN, October). This last one was also translated into Russian here, which is awesome – as well as being a fundraiser for Pussy Riot’s legal defence (and PEN’s Writers At Risk programme), the anthology is being translated into Russian with the aim of sending it to the imprisoned women as a gesture of solidarity.

I’ve performed my work at three gigs since the last update – Transpose (May) in London, Moulin Rage (June) in Cambridge, and Revolt (October) in Coventry. I’ve read at Transpose events before, but this one was a first for me: rather than doing a 20-minute poetry set, I read the full text of my deconstructive fairytale, ‘The Prince Who Loved A Monster’. I always love hearing from audience members who have been struck by my poetry, but this spoken tale seemed to strike a chord – or touch a nerve – with so many people that I couldn’t quite believe it. While it’s not a queer fairytale in the most obvious sense – there’s no same-sex couple, or even happy romantic ending – it seems to have resonated with many people’s experiences of social pressure towards ‘normal’ relationships, and the intense relief (and pain!) of breaking free of those strictures. There’s a lovely review of it here. Moulin Rage and Revolt were also very rewarding gigs – as an organiser of Moulin Rage I launched into a completely unplanned set which seemed to go down very well, and Revolt was similarly joyful and chaotic.

One thing that made me squeal with happiness this year was Brit Mandelo’s review of Here, We Cross on the official Tor website which identified my contribution as “a poem that struck me intimately on first reading, and on the second time around… still a powerful piece” – and goes on to dedicate a paragraph to discussing it. Mandelo edited the anthology Beyond Binary, which has been on my to-buy list for some time, so this review was an amazing moment for me.

Poetry aside, I’ve been working on a fantasy/horror novel set in my adopted hometown of Brighton – it was my NaNoWriMo project, aimed at encouraging me to write creative prose regularly, but I’m hoping that with enough hammering it will become something worth publishing. It’s already developed from a vehicle for creepy thrills into both a fantasy world with an ever-more-detailed mythos, and a serious meditation on the nature of grief and trauma. (Also, if you’ve ever wondered just how awkward it might be if your only allies against looming supernatural forces are your recent ex-girlfriend and a complete stranger, this book has the answer! Or an answer, anyway.)

I’ve also been continuing to run Cutlery Drawer fundraisers – one in Cambridge, one in Brighton – and (as I discuss in this recent blog entry) am gearing up to begin work in earnest on a sibling project, which aims to create a trustworthy database of accessibility information for venues across the UK. Semi-relatedly, I have been working more with the amazing queer-feminist collective Lashings of Ginger Beer Time! Because Lashings members primarily write and perform under psuedonyms, I’ll keep the mystery intact regarding my Lashings adventures – but do go and follow the Lashings blog, if you don’t already!

On the academic side of things (which has been one of two main reasons for my silence on here), I’ve finished my MA at Sussex now, and will soon be graduating with a Distinction. While writing my dissertation I was struck down with unfortunate illness (the second reason for the radio silence!) and am still recovering from what has ended up being a unpleasantly long period of poor health. I’ve managed to do some academia since finishing, though – presenting a paper on queer interventions in menstrual narratives at the the Warwick Centre for the Studies of Women and Gender seminar series, and a paper on Margaret Cavendish’s The Blazing-World at the Mapping the Self symposium. Despite this, I’ve decided (after a lot of soul-searching) not to apply for a PhD – or at least, not this year.

That about wraps things up, in terms of what I’ve been doing. I’m hoping to blog a lot more frequently now my health is returning, so watch this space!

Publications, gigs, and general excitement

First, let me say it’s been an absolute pleasure performing in Oxford recently – at the Lashings panto, and then again at ‘Gender Rebels!’, a rape crisis fundraiser/cabaret organised by some old friends. I hear Gender Rebels raised over £350 for Rape Crisis Oxford – yay! I’m a little overwhelmed that I seem to be really developing an Oxford fan base: thank you all so much, and it’s been great meeting you. Gender Rebels was something of an impromptu gig for me and I don’t have anything specific lined up for a while, but I’m sure something will pop up again soon. 🙂

Secondly – issue 1 of False Moustache is now in print, and available to buy from Etsy. It has my poem ‘She Was’ (along with critical commentary from the editor) and an article by me about fairy tales.

Also on the note of publication, my poem ‘Hair’ has been accepted for issue 7 of Stone Telling, and I’m thrilled. 😀

Finally, I’ve made a few tweaks to the design of this blog, namely a new header image of the woods near my home. That’s all for now – time for me to go huddle under a blanket and drink Lemsip until my cold goes away!


…I have a (semi?-)professional WordPress account. People keep asking me after gigs if I have a website – now I can say “yes, yes I do” and give them this address. Yay! There’s currently just a list of performances and publications; more things may be added in the future.

Anyway, this blog appears just in time to announce that I’m performing TOMORROW at the Lashings of Ginger Beer Time Panto and Party at East Oxford Community Centre – £8/£5, starting at 7pm. I’m really looking forward to it – Lashings always have amazing audiences, and the EOCC is a lovely venue with big squishy sofas and a bar with good cider. ‘Hair’ has been requested – I might also break out some of my nerdy Old English adaptations since I know some audience members will enjoy that (last time I performed there, I did a mostly-requests set and ended up reading way more of those than expected!).